Clogged drains are the number one reason most people call a plumber. Most of these calls are made at the worst possible time, usually when the homeowner faces an emergency. The toilet, bathtub, or kitchen sink won’t drain or, in severe cases, is overflowing onto the floor, causing unseen water damage or stemming from a deeper problem like the sewer line.

While tough clogs require services beyond clog prevention—like pipe removal, snaking, high-pressure flushing, or even excavation—there is another way to keep your pipes free of debris and blockages. Proactive pipe cleanings can tackle potential trouble areas long before anyone notices a slower drain or serious clog.

Flush It started with drains before becoming full service. 

“Clogs and dirty drains are so common that drain and sewer line cleanings were the first services I offered when I started my business,” says Dan Gonzalez, owner of Flush It in Las Vegas. “Dirty drains became synonymous with my name. Everybody knew to call Dan.”

As Flush It became a trusted plumber, Dan quickly transformed the family-owned company into a full-service company. But he says that drain cleaning is still one of the most essential services he provides.

“I’ve always advised my customers that plumbing problems eventually happen, but it doesn’t have to be an emergency,” said Dan. “Regular drain cleanings can remove hair, grease, food particles, soap scum, and other objects from your pipes before it’s a hassle or a headache. And when we perform the service early enough, the service call is generally lower than it would be if it’s an emergency or severe issue.”

When a proactive drain cleaning or sewer line flush is paired with seasonal plumbing inspections, the inspection is free. Customers only pay for the plumbing service — a drain cleaning in this case — and never for the inspection.

An annual drain cleaning can be added to a plumbing inspection. 

“The only time a customer pays for an inspection is when no plumbing issues are found,” explains Dan. “So if they are already scheduling a service like a recommended regular drain cleaning, there is no other charge while I check for leaks, corroded angle stops, or sediment buildup.”

Drain cleaning services in Las Vegas are relatively inexpensive and only take about two hours to complete. The frequency of drain cleaning services is related to several factors. These might include the age of the plumbing system, the number of people living in your home, and basic lifestyle choices.

“Most of our customers request a drain cleaning about once a year, which is also how often regular loyalty customers receive inspections,” said Dan. “Our goal is to keep the homeowner happy by minimizing service with proactive measures. By keeping things simple, we save our customers money.”

Flush It uses the best pipe cleaning techniques to get the job done. 

In most cases, preventative cleanings and minor or moderate clogs can be dealt with using a line auger, a long steel cable with a coil at the end, or a snake. As the snake turns, it loosens and removes debris as it travels deeper into the pipe. In some cases, it might be worthwhile to clean a sewer line with a hydrojet.

“Anytime we think there might be the potential for a serious problem, I use a snake cam,” said Dan. “The snake cam allows me to evaluate the condition of the pipes or if there are any blockages caused by tree roots.”

Several symptoms may indicate a sewer line clog. Smelly toilets or sinks, frequent clogs, slow drains, gurgling sounds, or unexplained mud in the yard can all indicate a sewer line issue.

“Cleaning drains and sewer lines are relatively inexpensive compared to removing a major blockage,” said Dan. “Some of our customers who have scheduled annual cleanings have eliminated emergency clogs. It also gives them peace of mind because snaking or hydro-jetting can remove dangerous bacteria that thrive on the buildup inside pipes.”

Much like drain cleaning services, the program aims to reduce the need for any major plumbing issues. For example, a complete line replacement can cost between $4,000 and $7,500, depending on the material and line length. If the replacement includes the complete line between the house and the street, the cost can quickly climb to as much as $20,000.

According to Dan, well-maintained pipes or sewer lines rarely need to be replaced. Major problems that require a line replacement are generally confined to aging systems, improperly installed pipes, or neglected lines. If you’re not sure about the condition of your lines, call Flush It for an inspection service or proactive drain cleaning.